After 3 days in front of a gate in northern sinai, i met a jordan man, he pointed his finger at his wife and son sitting in the shade, in one of the 2 gate corners.He said to me that justice does not exist, it’s now 10 years that he is trying to bring his son back home. That man has been born in gaza but never gone back, he asked me to tell everybody what i saw there, he told me to get in instead of him and visit every corner of the line.
I crossed the threshold at sunset after a really long day, taking pictures, trying to shape a guide book, of a tiny segment of ancient mediterranean, introduced to me, from the beginning, like a huge prison.
Rafah border crossing, 2012

Under the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, part of the peace agreements between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Israel known as the Oslo Accords, fishermen in Gaza were legally allowed to venture out 20 nautical miles.
In 2002 the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan empowered Catherine Bertini to negotiate with Israel on key issues regarding the humanitarian crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and a 12 nautical mile fishing limit was agreed upon.
In 2006, Israel reduced the limit to 6 nautical miles and since the military “Operation Cast Lead” in December 2008, the limit was set up to 3 miles. Local and international eyewitnesses claim this limit is imposed by gun fire.